- I believe that cold water exposure is up there with quality nutrition, sleep, breathing correctly & fun as far as health goes.
- As the colder months approach you can now test it for yourself by switching from hot to cold when showering.
- Alternate days between hot & cold showers each morning & feel the difference for yourself.
- 3+ minutes is the goal.
- Hot water = Lethargy in comparison
- Cold water = Awake & Alive
- 24/7 access to warmth / comfort isn’t good for the organism!
- We become weak, our immunity suffers & we lose touch with the strongest, healthiest versions of ourselves.
- Cold water exposure teaches us mentally to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It builds a solid base of mental strength that we take into every aspaect of our lives each day.
- No one really enjoys the cold water but it becomes very addictive, the benefits totally outway a few minutes of any discomfort.
- Once cold showers feel more manageable we can step things up with an ice bath, this is where the benefits really take off to a whole new level!
- Nothing can instantly reset the physiology in a positive way like cold water exposure does, the net result is that it reduces cortisol / stress hormones extremely efficiently.
- It causes a positive shock to the autonomic nervous system, creates an energetic surge that you feel all day.
- Initially blood flow is sent to the surface of the body, as the body gets colder it reaches a point where you get what’s called a “hunters reflex” & the blood quickly returns inwards to protect the glands & organs.
- This reversal of the direction of flow in the vascular system is like exercise for our internal network.
- (Organs/glands/arteries)
- Cold water exposure is a healthy natural stimulant to the often over worked adrenal glands, for this reason cold water can be a great way to get off of coffee.
- Cold water significantly improves immune function
- Cold water increases recovery time from training or exercise
- Cold water improves sexual performance
- Cold water seems crazy on the surface, why would I have a cold shower when I can have it hot?!?!
Like I said above.. commit to a week & test it out for yourself, you might be surprised with how tranformational it can be.
 : @willsolis1