When it comes to cardio for FAT LOSS i’m personally not a fan of doing cardio first thing in the morning before eating at least a small balanced meal.
Some people on the other hand love it & tolerate it well.
The most important thing to understand in relation to cardio for fat loss is that when we do it is irrelevant, energy balance dictates the rate of change we achieve.
Training is that fasted or not there is no difference (AT ALL) to the results you will achive
Obviously if we feel better, are time restricted or prefer training before or after food it’s best to go with what feels right for you not what someone else recommends you do.
Fasted cardio makes me personally feel like i’m forcing myself to it do it, I tend to need a meal to have an optimal supply of energy in the morning. I often feel pretty sluggish for the rest of the day if I put muyself through any worth while cardio session withiut first eating.
Fasted cardio can actually be quite a stress on our physiology to train with any intensity & duration without a balanced supply of blood sugars circulating the system.
In my opinion for best results it makes no difference if it’s fasted or after eating so go with what works best for you.
So if you feel better doing it after a meal that’s my recommendation.
Remember – energy balance each day dictates the rate of fat loss achieved, not the timing of when the workout is performed.
1. Are you at the correct stage of your transformation to be doing cardio in the first place?
2. Is your meal plan set up to get the most out of doing cardio?
3. Is your physiology in a position currently to gain a positive outcome from doing cardio?
Over weight, tired people should be careful with doing cardio.
4. Is the cardio taking away possible results you might be gaining from the strength sessions you are also doing each week?
5. If you are going to do fasted cardio 15-20 minutes if intensity is high for most people is plenty.