How to Eat, Move & Be Healthy (MY BIBLE)
by Paul Chek
In this best selling book – How to eat, move & be healthy Paul Chek shares his approach to achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle while dropping pounds & reshaping your life & body.
This book will help you identify your individual needs and explain how to address issues that may be preventing you from looking and feeling your best. Paul reveals fascinating research and airs controversial topics while providing practical suggestions for achieving peak vitality
“How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!” contains a proven four-step program that has helped thousands of people achieve their health and fitness goals.
Step 1 – Complete the questionnaires to determine YOUR metabolic needs.
Step 2 – Develop an eating plan that’s right for YOU.
Step 3 – Build a personalized exercise program that fits YOUR needs.
Step 4 – Fine-tune a healthier lifestyle that fits YOUR routine.
This book need not be read from cover to cover! Just as each of us is unique, each reader will use this book in different ways. The Questionnaires in Section 1 will guide you through the rest of the book so you can select and read the chapters that are most applicable and interesting to you. This will result in a customized plan of action, and show you how to eat and move to attain and maintain your optimal level of health & perfromance
Real Food Real Fast
by Rico Caveglia
A New and Easy food & preperation system for Delicious and NUTRITIOUS MEALS in 12 minutes or less!
Finally, the secret to making “Healthy Fast Food!”
Nutrition & Physical Degeneration
by Weston.A Price
(The most important Nutrition based read available today)
More than sixty years ago, a Cleveland dentist named Weston A. Price decided to embark on a series of unique investigations that would engage his attention and energies for the next ten years. Possessed of an inquiring mind and a spiritual nature, Price was disturbed by what he found when he looked into the mouths of his patients. Rarely did an examination of an adult client reveal anything but rampant decay, often accompanied by serious problems elsewhere in the body such as arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, intestinal complaints and chronic fatigue. (They called it neurasthenia in Price’s day.) But it was the dentition of younger patients that gave him most cause for concern. He observed that crowded, crooked teeth were becoming more and more common, along with what Price called “facial deformities”–overbites, narrowed faces, underdevelopment of the nose, lack of well-defined cheekbones and pinched nostrils. Such children invariably suffered from one or more complaints that sound all too familiar to mothers of the 1990s: frequent infections, allergies, anemia, asthma, poor vision, lack of coordination, fatigue and behavioral problems. Price did not believe that such “physical degeneration” was God’s plan for mankind. He was rather inclined to believe that the creator intended physical perfection for all human beings, and that children should grow up free of ailments.
All who plan to bear children and everyone in the practice of nutrition & medicine should read this book.
Nourishing Traditions
by Sally Fallon
Nouishing Traditions is a fabulous traditional style of eating cook book, the cook book presents a message that animal fats and cholesterol are vital factors in the human diet, necessary for reproduction and normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels. This traditional eating cookbook that includes information on how to prepare meals, grains and enzyme-rich lacto-fermented foods for optimal health.
The Metabolic Typing Diet
by William Wolcott & Trish Fahey
The Metabolic Typing Diet, by William Wolcott, is the most important metabolic typing source available today. The Metabolic Typing Diet focuses on different foods for different individual biochemistries; The theory of metabolic typing is that no two people have exactly the same metabolism, just as no two people have the same fingerprints or DNA (identical twins have DNA changes between them after conception). The application of this theory can be applied to almost any disease that a person is afflicted with, since most chronic disease states involve metabolic imbalances. This more complete theory of metabolic typing has been developed by Wolcott and Kristal from the more divergent findings of previous researchers in the 20th century. These previous biochemical researchers include: Weston Price, D.D.S., George Watson Ph.D., Francis Pottenger, M.D., William Kelley, D.D.S., Roger Williams, Ph.D., and Royal Lee, D.D.S