Over my 15 years in the industry I have learnt that a truly healthy body will always look and feel great, being overweight & tired are just symptoms of poor health.
It is important to me to constantly study and learn from mentors at the top of their field, guru’s & health care professionals that are an example of true health themselves and have studied the health & habits of individuals living with optimal health.
A healthy body comes with a healthy mind & motivated mindset; the healthier the individual is the easier body shape changes become.
This is directly why so much detail is put into optimising sleep & stress at the start. The better we sleep & manage stress the easier it is to mentally stick to any goal or commitment. Dropping body fat is not as difficult as a lot of people might have you believe when a holistic approach is taken.
Live Fit Holistic PT Services Includes:
Physique Coaching: My goal is to not only get my clients lean & healthy but to develop a physique while going through a fat loss phase, often a body shape they never thought was possible. Something they now want to show off at the beach!
Fat Loss Expert: I continue to learn, it is a complete “passion project” of mine! I have gone & will continue to go far beyond the industry standard with my education over the years from the best in the business to offer a truly comprehensive result based training & lifestyle method!
Periodised Training: Well thought out blocks of structured training programs are used to facilitate change quickly, good programing should feed off one another phase by phase building towards an end goal. When this is implemented well plateaus become much less of a problem & the rate of RESULTS will increase accordingly.
Macro Targets: Structured macro targets & nutrient timing techniques are designed to progress quickly & match the current training volume. 80% of the RESULT we are after comes from prioritising this integral piece of the puzzle so I plan it out carefully & specifically to everyone I work with.
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching: Included in HLC is anything to do with improvement of daily self-management. This can include but not limited to mindset, health protocols, taking action, squashing excuses, optimising sleep & digestion, mindfulness based stress reduction techniques, discovering your true DREAM in life & the core values required to obtain your driving force & create momentum.
Movement Execution: I pride myself on doing things properly with clean movement, movement without restriction. I teach my clients how important it is to truly fire muscle tissue correctly to facilitate any body shape changes, this is a game changer with most clients I work with. When movement is executed optimally progress is made much quicker, injury rates plummet & clients naturally get stronger faster.
Bi-Weekly RESULT Check In’s: Depending on the client there is an optimal way to track progress which includes taking girth measurements, photos, scale weight & body fat percentages. This helps keep the client motivated & allows me to track progress & make subtle changes if & when is necessary.
Orthopaedic Assessments: With extensive study in orthopaedic assessment, corrective exercise & injury prevention I can tailor a training program to also work on your imbalances & weakness areas while training for any body shape change goal. If your mobility & posture is poor I always advise starting any coaching program with an orthopaedic assessment first where I can assess things like core function, muscle ROM, posture & pick up any imbalances throughout the body.
Goal Setting: Short, medium & long term goals are set from the start then adjusted monthly as progress is made. As they say, “if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there” We must have direction & a deadline to aim for.
Dream Building: “When you have a big enough dream, you no longer need a crisis in your life” I pride myself on helping clients get to know themselves better, what they want out of life & show them it’s a whole lot easier to execute than they may think.
Health: A fit “looking” body is not necessarily a healthy body! My goal is to transform my client’s mind & body at whatever level they are looking for. The healthier the body, the happier the mind! The happier the mind, the more FUN life is!
If you have tried changing your body shape, reducing pain or getting healthy in the past and have not managed to get the results you are after there would be a fundamental reason or reasons why preventing you from achieving your goals.
I take a comprehensive holistic healthy approach to getting you looking & feeling better sooner!
Train, Nourish & Rest To Optimise RESULTS!
It’s easy to get caught in the trap of over training and under eating to see the change you want.
That does not work long term!! Exercise should be about rewarding your body with endorphin’s and strength, not about driving yourself further into the ground every time you set foot in the gym because you don’t like what you see in the mirror!
Exercise and nutrition needs to be specifically tailored to each individual and needs to progress incrementally to see consistent & sustainable results.
By knowing exactly what’s needed and what’s not, how much training volume is appropriate for you and how to recover fully between sessions the road to a body shape change can also be a very enjoyable one.
Disclaimer: Results may vary person to person.