Clare Griggs
I love Graham.
I hate working out! I never get that ‘high’.
Never has the gym been my calling and I have been lucky enough to not need it.
Until a few years ago when a back problem became a nightmare.
Graham explained which of my muscles were not doing their job, which were over working and how this was impacting on my back, posture and life.
Over 12 weeks we worked at correcting these issues.
The difference was amazing. I really would not have believed it.
We have since moved on to weight training and I have learned how to lift effectively and safely.
Next step is starting on some body sculpture and he has provided me with an eating plan that works. I keep losing fat and my muscles are beginning to change. Not bad for a over forty gym hater.
Here we have slick advertising & big business marketing at its best!
PowerAde & Gatorade drinks are full of artificial nasties!! Colourings, flavourings, additives, processed sugar & sodium chloride…
Seriously YUCK!!
These things are all known to cause digestion issues & are not much better than soda in my opinion.
Just because sportsmen are getting paid to drink them does not mean they are healthy or optimal.
These drinks are completely synthetic based & come from a laboratory!
Weight Loss
Our total number of Fat Cells can actually increase, but not decrease! Fat cells don’t just get bigger as you put on weight! ?
It’s called Fat Cell Hyper-Phasic.
Generally the number of Fat Cells you have going through adolescence determines the minimum amount of Fat Cells you will have for the rest of your life.
This is why a kid that struggles with his or her weight growing up will tend to struggle with weight issues more than others their entire life.
It also makes it a lot easier for someone that has been over weight before to put on weight again.
Once a fat cell is as big as it can get it starts to be replicated, once this new fat cell is replicated it is near impossible to lose it.
The new Fat Cell can be shrunk but it will always be there.