Supplementation, are you spending your $ wisely?

I believe supplements for the most part to be a bit of a hoax, unhealthy & a money pit.

Most of the supplementation you can buy is synthetic based & does not absorb very well at all, they usually have unhealthy fillers, binders, rancid oils & all sorts of nasties attached

In saying that there are definitely some great companies out there producing quality products to enhance & backup your health & a solid diet.

In the photo are a few I use & recommend to most of my online & one on one clients because they all play there part in producing better results faster for my clients ..


Belly Breathing

Yesterday I decided to bring constant awareness to a slow deep relaxed breathe for the entire day .. It really surprised me how well it went!

I’m nearly a week & several massages into this trip & i still wasn’t feeling calm inside so I decided to do something about it ..

Breathing properly for a long period of time is so powerful it really shocked me, I normally do my 20 mins worth here & there & move onto the zillion things I have on my to-do list!
Not yesterday!!

I was taught a breathing technique recently where you breathe in through your nose slowly – pause & then release it like “the stress valve” just popped as a visualization.


Acid-Alkaline Balance

The importance of Acid-Alkaline balance!

Why is this important? The acid-alkaline balance of the body is crucial to our overall health. Our bodies are constantly working hard to maintain an ideal pH level to balance our systems.

With our modern lifestyle being so busy and stressful, we are likely to eat too much fast food, not drink enough quality water, struggle to get the 8 hours’ sleep that we all need every night & not eat enough healthy fresh vegetables & quality organic animal products like we used to on a daily basis. Overeating and living a typical acidic lifestyle where we are consuming unhealthy food such as white bread, sugar, table salt, take-away, soft drinks, alcohol, tea and coffee is the main reason that we become over-acidic.