
I consider colonics (or a bowel flush) more than an “option” for optimal health & vitality.

I consider them almost essential in the world we live in today.


Let’s consider these facts:

  • 90% of every disease known to man starts in the large intestine, the exact area of the human body that stores a lot of toxins & is optimally cleaned out with regular colonics.
  • Our lives these days are full of toxins, chemicals, medical drugs, tattoo ink, make up, lip stick, perfume, alcohol, parabens, cleaning products, recreational drugs, preservatives, colourings, additives, plastic, pesticides, processed food & a whole heap of nasty stuff that was not even invented or intended for human consumption 60 years ago.
  • People are popping prescription & over the counter medication like its candy these days & the residue gets caught in the digestive system & is shown to manifest its way into disease.


  • Up to 1kg of 20+ year old toxins, chemicals & faecal matter can be trapped in your digestive system. This is obviously very toxic to the human body. Do you want your insides to be the housing of a toxic rubbish dump? This is what colonics help to remove session by session.
  • 40 years ago colonics were much more mainstream, colonics were in hospitals & were getting results, results that were actually too good for the business model we call “the medical / health industry” so they were removed from service (benched)!
  • If you often get anxiety, gas, bloating, cramping or any kind of digestive stress including regular diarrhoea or constipation, if you don’t go to the toilet daily at a consistent time these are all signs things may not be optimal in your digestive system & you need to take action! That may just mean cleaning up your diet & lifestyle, but for me it was more!
  • The odds of a new born baby today being diagnosed with bowel cancer at some stage in their life is less than 1 in 20
  • The way I see it is, we can either take action today with things that seem to make great positive healthy change (preventative care) or gamble in a game that involves the ultimate – life/death/disease or health, vitality with a positive thought & emotional pattern for each day.
  • The health & fitness industry is in a BUZZ right now with all sorts of mostly bad but some good approaches to detoxing / cleansing, most people don’t even really understand what they are trying to clean when going through these health phases, go straight to the source to start I say (bowel flush) then clean up your lifestyle.
  • Nearly all skin issues, dandruff problems, thrush & even high levels of ear wax are gut related fungal issues which we just usually take drugs or chemicals to mask the symptoms of the true problem, it is reported that 60% of the population has different degrees of fungal infection / over growth coming from the gut.

Am I saying that Colonics are the cure for everything known to man? No definitely not!

There are many other factors like stress management, lifestyle, nutrition, hydration, genetic defects & especially emotional issues that all need to be considered to be truly happy & healthy.


What is a CHEK Practitioner?

Clients-friends-family or anyone interested in looking & feeling better are continually asking me the same questions once we get chatting…..

1. Where do you get all of your great info & knowledge about holistic health from?

2. What do you mean you spend hours studying every week, your a personal trainer?

3. Who do you do most of your study with?

4. & who & what is the C.H.E.K Institute?

Hopefully this post below will explain those questions.

What is unique about a C.H.E.K trained professional first & foremost is that the C.H.E.K institutes programs are open to anyone in the health & fitness profession, from Personal Trainers, osteopaths, chiropractors, nurses & all the way across the spectrum to medical doctors.


Mentorship For Personal Trainers


Are you a Personal trainer looking to take your business to the next level?

LIVE FIT has a 6 week Mentoring program starting Friday March 27th @ 1pm in Brookvale

Spots are strickly limited to the first 10 people for an optimal learning experience

6 Week Mentoring Program

Week 1 Assessment of Flexibility & Core Function   

  • Complete flexibility assessment – each major muscle has an optimal degree of range of motion that should be strived for, for optimal movement.
  • Learn how to assess then correct
  • You will learn which muscles are tight/strong & need stretching & which are weak/long & need strengthening & stabilization
  • Muscle imbalances create pain in both muscles & joints.
  • Muscle balance between flexibility, stability & strength should be the initial goal = better movement & function
  • Assessment of core function

Week 2 Assessment of Posture & Movement Screening

  • Assessment of a client on a plum line – How to assess clients postural concerns & cross reference them to your flexibility assessment findings
  • Better posture = better movement, function, improves energy & reduces pain
  • Assess inner unit core function
  • Asses thoracic extension for clearance to overhead press
  • Infant development exercisers
  • Movement screening & what it is telling you

Week 3 Programming & Phase 1 Training 

  • Learn the importance of going through a phase 1 program before lifting heavy
  • Learn how to correctly integrate phase 1 programming into your clients weekly program
  • This is perfect for anyone with clients that have any niggling injuries, aches or pains
  • Phase 1 training lays the foundation for injury free training & being stronger & stabile

 Week 4 Fat loss Training & Nutrient timing

  • Learn the most effective ways of getting results for your clients quickly    
  • Learn what to eat, when to eat it & how much to eat to meet your goal
  • Learn how to work out exactly how much your client needs to be eating to suit their goal – BMR, lean mass, body fat %, daily energy expenditure & the clients goals all dictate nutritional requirements to see them succeed
  • Learn the best techniques for fat loss training
  • Learn why a lot of the time exercise & healthy eating just isn’t enough
  • Learn how to train women correctly in the different phases of their menstrual cycle to maximise gains

Week 5 The 6 Foundation Principles of Health & The importance of Gut & Hormonal health for Fat loss