Supplementation, are you spending your $ wisely?

I believe supplements for the most part to be a bit of a hoax, unhealthy & a money pit.

Most of the supplementation you can buy is synthetic based & does not absorb very well at all, they usually have unhealthy fillers, binders, rancid oils & all sorts of nasties attached

In saying that there are definitely some great companies out there producing quality products to enhance & backup your health & a solid diet.

In the photo are a few I use & recommend to most of my online & one on one clients because they all play there part in producing better results faster for my clients ..


What Are The Best Brands Of Fish Oil?

Fish oil..One supplement worth taking! 

Like anything there is different qualities of fish oil.

As fish oil is one of the most taken supplements these days i thought it was important to point this out. 

Most of the mainstream fish oil supplements that are sold in supermarkets or health food store’s are very low quality, often from farmed fish & generally the carrier oil’s in the capsuals are rancid before the product even hits the shelves. I consider them an imitation of the real thing.